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: I don't own any of these study materials, I'm just sharing the notes I used for my exam :D

[Favourite Mentions] - Study

I'm always trying to learn new skills on my own, looking up new things in the internet or reading books in the library. Here I'll be sharing some useful/ interesting links I found. (will be updated from time to time) Secondary school subjects (SPM) : Physic Bahasa Melayu Senarai Peribahasa Antologi Kata Banyak Makna Sains & Kimia Sains, Biologi, Fizik, Kimia, Matematik -------------------------------------------------------------- Various Courses/Subjects:

Media Literacy

What is Media Literacy? - Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in variety of forms. User of media should learn to digest all the content in the media, understand and interpret the use of each element in the media, then analyze the truthfulness of the information. Why is Media Literacy Important?  As technology advances, more people are able to contribute information, knowledge and ideas to the internet. A media literate person will have the ability to think and analyze which information is true and which is false. By this way, false information, for example fake news phenomenon can be decreased as people will think twice before receiving the information. Types of Media - traditional media: television, books, newspapers, magazines, radio, etc. - new media/ digital media: e-books, e-news, social media, video games, computers, etc. Old Media Vs New Media Old Media New Media A bit more expensive than th...

🌟 Welcome

I love doing notes during my school days and I wish to share them with fellow juniors.  Feel free to browse through my notes!  Do let me know if there's any mistake.  Fill your day with knowledge! Enjoy~ 💖 High school notes (2017-2018): [ SPM related ]   [ Pengetahuan Am ] [ B.Melayu ]   [ ENGLISH ]   [ Chinese ]   [ Sains ]   [ Biologi ]   [ Kimia ]   [ MATH ]   [ P.Moral ]   [ Kemahiran Hidup ]   [ Tertiary ]   (university) notes:  [ Media Literacy ]   [ ]   [ ]   [ ]   [ ]   [ ]   Special Collections [ SC ]:  [ Favourite Mentions ]  

Pendidikan Moral - Senarai Fakta, Akta, Agensi

Senarai dasar/ akta/ pihak terlibat/fakta dalam nilai Nilai Amanah: Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997 -Undang-undang untuk mencegah rasuah dalam masyarakat Akta Rahsia Rasmi 1972 -Menjamin supaya kakitangan awam tidak bertindak mengamalkan rasuan dengan memperdagangkan maklumat yang dipertanggungjawabkan kepada mereka. -Menyimpan segala maklumat/rahsia pentadbiran negara Borang Aku Janji 2002 Kempen Kepimpinan Melalui Teladan 1983 -Menanam dan memupuk ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang berkesan khusus untuk kakitangan kerajaan. Badan Pencegah Rasuah(BPR)/ Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Membawa mereka yang disyaki melakukan rasuan ke muka pengadilan. Unit Jenayah Khas dalam Jabatan Polis Slogan BCA Bersih – mempunyai moral yang tinggi, bertatatertib dan berdisiplin Cekap – berani dan cepat membuat keputusan Amanah – bersikap rela dan cuba menjalankan tugas serta tanggungjawab  ...