Kindly look for ☰ on the top left of the page to view all my post in archive ♡

欢迎在页面左上角的 ☰ 里翻阅我的发文♡

: I don't own any of these study materials, I'm just sharing the notes I used for my exam :D

🌟 Welcome

I love doing notes during my school days and I wish to share them with fellow juniors. Feel free to browse through my notes! 
Do let me know if there's any mistake. 

Fill your day with knowledge! Enjoy~ 💖

High school notes (2017-2018):
[SPM related] [Pengetahuan Am]
[B.Melayu] [ENGLISH] [Chinese] 
[Sains] [Biologi] [Kimia] [MATH] [P.Moral] [Kemahiran Hidup] 

[Tertiary] (university) notes: 
[Media Literacy] [] [] [] [] [] 

Special Collections [SC]: 
[Favourite Mentions ] 


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